Our Services


We offer a wide range of investment products to suit all your objectives, whether you are a beginner, or an experienced investor.

Our work to deliver the best results possible, has allowed us to consistently outperform the market, and allowing our clients’ portfolios to double on an average of 5-6 years.

* Past performance does not always guarantee future performance. Average returns may vary based on personal risk tolerance

  • We offer a diversified range of Mutual Funds, ETFs, GICs, and Segregated Funds for any objective.

    Whether you are looking for growth, capital preservation, ethical investing or something in between, we have you covered.

  • TFSA • Tax-Free Savings Account

    FHSA • First Home Savings Account

    RRSP • Registered Retirement Savings Plan

    RESP • Registered Education Savings Plan

    RRIF • Registered Retirement Income Fund

    LIRA • Locked-In Retirement Account

    LIF • Life Income Fund

    Non-Registered Account

  • We establish trust with our clients by only recommending funds in which we are personally invested into.

    By putting our money into the same funds as yours, you can be sure your hard earned savings get the same treatment as our own.


“If you think life insurance is expensive, try dying without it

Without the financial support provided by life insurance, surviving family members may struggle to cover immediate expenses, outstanding debts, ongoing living costs, and future financial goals.

Compared to banks, and other insurance providers, we have no incentive to promote, or endorse a particular brand of insurance over another. This ensures you get an unbiased recommendation that suits your needs, and your budget.

  • When the majority breadwinner passes away without life insurance, the family may experience a sudden and substantial loss of income. This can be especially challenging if the surviving spouse or dependents rely on that income to cover daily living expenses, education costs, or other essential needs.

    In this case, the purpose of life insurance is to replace lost income, so that the surviving family members can live a similar quality of life.

  • Passing without life insurance can leave behind significant debts, such as mortgages, loans, credit card balances, or medical bills. These financial obligations can become an added burden for the deceased person's family, potentially leading to financial strain and even potential loss of assets like homes or vehicles.

  • Life insurance can serve as a means to pass on an inheritance or protect assets for future generations. Without such protection, assets may be depleted or mismanaged, potentially impacting the financial well-being of the deceased person's intended beneficiaries.

  • Many businesses have life insurance for individuals when there is a need to protect against the loss of important employees, or partners, to keep the business running smoothly.

    For entrepreneurs and business owners, the absence of life insurance can create significant challenges for business continuity in the event of a death. It may result in financial instability, the need to sell the business at unfavorable terms, or even the closure of the business altogether.

Professional Advice

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.”

Making sound financial decisions can be complex and overwhelming, which is why we offer professional advice tailored to your unique circumstances and goals, utilizing our in-depth knowledge of the financial landscape, and the latest industry trends and regulations.

By leveraging our expertise, you can benefit from strategic insights, personalized financial plans, and investment strategies designed to help you achieve your short-term and long-term financial objectives.

  • By letting us guide your investments, we can ensure your financial objectives are on track for any lifelong goals you have.

    Whether you dream of purchasing a vacation home, increasing your quality of life, or leaving a legacy for future generations, our expertise and personalized approach will help you navigate the complexities of the financial landscape.

    With a comprehensive understanding of your unique circumstances and aspirations, we will develop a tailored investment strategy that aligns with your risk tolerance, time horizon, and desired outcomes.

  • Retirement is a significant milestone in life, and we understand the importance of planning ahead to ensure that you can enjoy the lifestyle you desire during your golden years.

    We recognize that retirement means different things to different people – whether you dream of traveling the world, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying a peaceful and comfortable retirement at home. Whatever your aspirations may be, we are here to help make them a reality.

  • Education planning is not only about saving for tuition fees but also considering other related expenses, such as textbooks, housing, and extracurricular activities.

    By letting us guide your finances, we will help you account for these costs and develop a holistic plan that covers all aspects of your children's education.

    Investing in your children's education is an investment in their future. Let us be your trusted partner in navigating the financial aspects of this journey.